September 1, 2010

Month Two

Wow, it has been a little over a month already since this whole project began. I have to say this past month has really been rather amazing. (That is probably not a very humble thing to say.) I am very happy to say that I was able to experience so many things I didn't think I would be able to do. I actually am really kinda proud of myself so far for stepping out farther then I thought Obviously, my trip to Italy was a huge part of it. I felt so proud of myself when I got back for being able to do all of that myself. It was just such a good feeling that I was able to know I can navigate an entire country not knowing the language. It was a great challenge and I am happy that it all worked out.

So now the next month is here and I need a new focus. I started to draw upon my trip and what I learned  as a starting off point of how I could bring my happiness from the trip home with me. Once the idea came into my head it just seemed like the perfect focus for the month: ME. The one thing I loved about my trip was that I didn't have to compete my wants with anyone else's. Now don't get me wrong I LOVE my friends and family. Without their support I don't think I would be as (relatively) well adjusted as I am. But I do feel I tend to put them in front of my own needs sometimes.

I just feel like I don't take good care of myself anymore. I am always running around trying to do 10,000 things but I often forget about my own mental health. With the busy season of Christmas coming for my jewelry company I think now is the time to build good habits to take with me through the next few months.

For now I am thinking even just a dedicated 30 minutes a day to just me. This could be a bath at the end of the day, a long walk with the dog, a yoga class, anything. But simply me time. Whatever I want to do. I am looking forward to this more then I can say!

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